Tuesday, November 1, 2011

blast from the past

sometimes you find a music video that you loved as a kid.  i think i have watched this video like 30 billion times. in 7th grade...this was probably the coolest thing i knew haha. enjoy a blast from the past!


  1. haha OH dear Katie. Vanessa Hudgens was the coolest thing you knew? WE should be friends and talk music.

    p.s. i love you

  2. what about the baby come back one?? that was the best one!! hahaa

  3. ok ruthie?? i thought it was cool then. of coarse i like wayyyy better music now haha. and breanna? i totally forgot about that one! ahh i love that one too! ijust like this one cuz it has efron in it:) haha

  4. Oh my poop. I hate that girl. But I soooo remember that music video! Ah! Oh man.
