Saturday, September 24, 2011


alright folks...i finally have time to post about homecoming! it was honestly probably my favorite date yet. or comes in a close 2nd or 3rd.

we first had our day date at discovery park (which is probably the coolest park in the universe) and played ultimate and ate pizza! it was great fun!

then we had two hours to get ready before our dates were coming to pick us up. my aunt came and did my hair and makeup. She is amazing! i loved it, and she made me feel like a princess:) getting my dress was a whole story in itself so i wont explain that, but it was fairly simple so i wanted to dress it up a little. so between my hair and jewelry, i think this was accomplished:)

so then drew picked me up, and i got the boutnieer on the first time!

we then made our way to the tahitian noni ( or according to drew, the tahiti noni haha) gardens. taking pictures was so much fun!

we then made our way to the tahitian noni gardens ( or according to drew, the tahiti noni) to take pictures! it was a blast! and luckily didnt start to rain

our studly dates

the girls

the whole group

love this one haha

drew and i:) isnt he a stud? i think so

ok let me explain this one. this was when we were waiting for all the other couples to show up and we were just taking pictures out front. drew just automatically jumped up there and the photographer was like, ohh thats good! haha so i just stood there and he did something funny and i started to laugh. and she then got this shot haha. great stuff

we then went to dinner at shoots in the riverwoods. i had never been there, and it was so delicious! we also saw three other homecoming groups at the same place so that was kinda fun. drew and i talked about the fruits and vegtables we do and do not like for most of dinner. it was pretty funny.

we then made our way to the dance!!! this was probably the best date i had been to. it was fun to see all my other friends that went and visiting with them. you know how you usually get tired after awhile at dances? i didnt get tired at all! it was fun the whole time. they played good songs, and our whole group was really fun.

we then went to mcdonalds to get ice cream. we were so tired and everyone could tell haha so then we went home.

i am so glad i got to go with drew! hes such a great guy, and i had so much fun! sometimes its just fun to get all dressed up and feel like a princess for once:)

Monday, September 19, 2011

great day my friends

Today was a great day to say the least. Nothing really exciting, nothing that changed my life, but it was just great:)

First of all, my psycology project is done! It ended up being more stressful than it needed to be just because we never really got together to do it. But Mr. Barth really liked it so i am satisfied!

Prostart we made some delicious pancakes and homemade syrups. They were actually very delicious indeed! I dont even like pancakes, and i liked them! probably because honestly they didnt even taste like them.

Conditioning was....actually fun today! We did a mile on the track to warm up, then did circuit room, and played speed for awhile. I dont know why it was so much fun for me, but i loved it! It was just one of those days when you have tons of energy, and you just could run for forever!

So then i spent an hour talked to drew and laurie playing the license plate game as people drove by on main street. Quite enteirtaining.

I then ventured to my lovely church and had volleyball practice for our little ward. No matter how old i get, i still love playing with those girls! We have so much fun. Plus we kind of dominate, so thats always fun!

Then for family night we took a little bike ride around the neighbor hood. I am so amazed right mom actually came with us!!!! Despite the little accident colliding into the fence..we are good! Note to self, dont ride on sidewalk while on tandum....My grandpa gave us one of his tandums, and its pretty nice!! I hope this becomes one of the things that we love to do as a family. It would be nice to have something we all love. We then had a great lesson on the atonement:)

heres to great days that just keep us going!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

awkward picture week 3

heres your awkward picture for the week! this was homecoming last year, and lets just say...i am now known as mj. i just didnt want my dress to fly up! sheesh. anyways. hope you enjoyed!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

drunken man, emotional college essays, lady biff it

this has been the weirdest past 3 days....ok lets start with monday!

So the first thing funny that happened..was that in college writing, i was reading someones essay...and my eyes started watering. You know when you are just starting a cold..and all of a sudden it just hits you?? ya. half of the class was laughing at me because they thought i was getting emotional from the paper...haha. It was just glorious.

later that afternoon, i ended up taking a shift for someone at Maceys. I was sick, had cramps, and i cant believe i took the shift. I was miserable my whole shift....oh well. So at about 9 o'clock, the funniest thing happened. I happened to see out of the corner of my eye, a lady totally biff it. It was one of those..struggle for a bit, then totally just biff. she was tall, tan, wearing short shorts and heels, and im sorry...i had to laugh. i looked at sheri, my bagger, and i was dying laughing. i couldnt help it. i should not have been laughing at all. she stood up and struggled for a minute, then walked into the bathroom on her phone. i felt really bad but i laughed really really hard. so then after my shift.. i had a really interesting experience. As i was walking out the doors after my shift, a man stops me and asks me if i can give him a ride home. him and his girlfriend had missed the last bus into provo, and they had no way to get home. being the nice person i am, i agreed. i was first really nervous about it but they ended up being really cool. now let me just tell you guys, not stupid. i would have never done this if it was just him. the only reason i did it was that he was with a girl. so on this random road in provo...i get pulled over...ya this was a really wacky night. the officer told me that i didnt have my lights on. and right before he pulled me over, i had realized that cuz before i was on state, and you cant tell on state right??? so anyways...he gives me a warning, and im on my way. but as we are sitting there, the guy in my car says..."if you get a ticket..i am gonna burn in heck!!" haha it was kinda funny. then he tells me that he lives in a very sketcharoo neighborhood..and that he would be fine with my just dropping him at the next light. he told me he didnt want a teenage girl in a neighborhood like that. he says its the "father in him" because he supposively has two daughters..ya. so i pretty much picked up a guy who might have been drunk, and took him to his house...weirdest thing i have ever done. but i was telling my friend, i would have never done it if i felt so uneasy about it. i felt completly calm the whole time, so i think heavenly father was watching over me:)

way crazy right???

so then yesterday, nothing crazy really happened. but it was an interesting afternoon. i was miserable all day, so i decided to take a nap. then i did some homework and made cookies. weird.

today all i did was watch 4 episodes of friends and peed my pants because the episode i watched was just classic ross. then i had a great deal of fun during dinner with my fam, and then watched the premier of survivor!! so excited. there are two people from utah on there, and ones a byu professor!! sweet right??

the end:)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

sunday nights are a party sometimes

sometimes..levi asks if he can do my hair and makeup..why did i agree to this? oh well. i looked like someone from the 80's when they thought they knew how to put on blush..but they really didnt. haha it was great fun. he would not do well in this business.

p.s. homecoming details-coming soon...

p.s.s......if anyone wants to buy me a new camera?? that would be much appreciated. mine died and im very much in depression that i cant take any pictures better than this one..dang gina.