Wednesday, September 14, 2011

drunken man, emotional college essays, lady biff it

this has been the weirdest past 3 days....ok lets start with monday!

So the first thing funny that happened..was that in college writing, i was reading someones essay...and my eyes started watering. You know when you are just starting a cold..and all of a sudden it just hits you?? ya. half of the class was laughing at me because they thought i was getting emotional from the paper...haha. It was just glorious.

later that afternoon, i ended up taking a shift for someone at Maceys. I was sick, had cramps, and i cant believe i took the shift. I was miserable my whole shift....oh well. So at about 9 o'clock, the funniest thing happened. I happened to see out of the corner of my eye, a lady totally biff it. It was one of those..struggle for a bit, then totally just biff. she was tall, tan, wearing short shorts and heels, and im sorry...i had to laugh. i looked at sheri, my bagger, and i was dying laughing. i couldnt help it. i should not have been laughing at all. she stood up and struggled for a minute, then walked into the bathroom on her phone. i felt really bad but i laughed really really hard. so then after my shift.. i had a really interesting experience. As i was walking out the doors after my shift, a man stops me and asks me if i can give him a ride home. him and his girlfriend had missed the last bus into provo, and they had no way to get home. being the nice person i am, i agreed. i was first really nervous about it but they ended up being really cool. now let me just tell you guys, not stupid. i would have never done this if it was just him. the only reason i did it was that he was with a girl. so on this random road in provo...i get pulled over...ya this was a really wacky night. the officer told me that i didnt have my lights on. and right before he pulled me over, i had realized that cuz before i was on state, and you cant tell on state right??? so anyways...he gives me a warning, and im on my way. but as we are sitting there, the guy in my car says..."if you get a ticket..i am gonna burn in heck!!" haha it was kinda funny. then he tells me that he lives in a very sketcharoo neighborhood..and that he would be fine with my just dropping him at the next light. he told me he didnt want a teenage girl in a neighborhood like that. he says its the "father in him" because he supposively has two daughters..ya. so i pretty much picked up a guy who might have been drunk, and took him to his house...weirdest thing i have ever done. but i was telling my friend, i would have never done it if i felt so uneasy about it. i felt completly calm the whole time, so i think heavenly father was watching over me:)

way crazy right???

so then yesterday, nothing crazy really happened. but it was an interesting afternoon. i was miserable all day, so i decided to take a nap. then i did some homework and made cookies. weird.

today all i did was watch 4 episodes of friends and peed my pants because the episode i watched was just classic ross. then i had a great deal of fun during dinner with my fam, and then watched the premier of survivor!! so excited. there are two people from utah on there, and ones a byu professor!! sweet right??

the end:)

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